CV Show 2025

June date for bus and coach skills challenge

June date for bus and coach skills challenge

IRTE Bus and Coach Skills Challenge in June 2024 at S&B Automotive Academy, Bristol, offers hands-on experience and networking for industry engineers.

Published 13 Jan 2024By CV Show News

The IRTE Bus and Coach Skills Challenge takes place at the S&B Automotive Academy in Bristol from 3-7 June. A spokesman explained:

The IRTE Bus & Skills Challenge 2024 is all about celebrating the engineers in bus and coach. Whether you are a beginner or a qualified technician, this is an opportunity to get your hands on unfamiliar technology, push your limits and rise above the challenge. Our goal is to empower and equip the next generation of bus and coach technicians by providing challenging opportunities to test and advance your skills. Through a combination of theoretical and practical tests across electrical, mechanical and bodywork, you get to showcase what you are made of – whether individually or as a team. While road-testing new technology, you’ll also get to meet like-minded passionate engineers like you from all walks of life and share knowledge, experiences and ideas. There are no pre-requisites or assessments you or your team need to complete before entering the challenge. However, we’ve had operators hold internal challenges/competitors to pick which teams to send to the Skills Challenge.

Each team will be allocated a day (based on their preference) where they’ll take a series of theoretical and practical tests.

All finalists will be invited to an awards lunch with a three-course meal, as well as the chance to network and connect with other competitors, manufacturers and decision makers, as well as engage in photo/media opportunities. Winners will take home a trophy, free SOE membership and a sponsored prize.

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