CV Show 2025

Winter brings warning of dead key fobs

Winter brings warning of dead key fobs

Van and truck drivers are being warned to keep their keys in a warm place when not in use, to reduce the chances of them failing to work during the colder weather.

Published 31 Oct 2024By CV Show News

There has been a growing frustration with keys not working across social media and searches for ‘Why is my key fob not working?’ have increased by 100% over the past 12 months, according to Google. Auto Trader says that, with 30 million videos relating to ‘how to start my car if my fob is dead’ also posted on TikTok, it indicates that the problem is widespread. The majority of new models now use a battery-operated car key to unlock and start the vehicle.

When a car key is exposed to colder temperatures, the battery inside the key loses power due to the slowdown of the chemical reactions inside the battery which are needed to generate energy. This can reduce the capacity of the battery by 20-30%, meaning that if a key battery is already below 30% charged, this could result in it not working. Therefore, it is advised that drivers place keys in a safe space which is warm to help maintain the life of your battery.

“Most smart keys are equipped with an emergency blade with a mechanical fob inside in case of emergencies, says Auto Trader. “Drivers should be cautious with using their keys to open their doors as any damages and car scratches might lead to some charges at the end of your lease policy.

“Some minor scratches under fair wear and tear are acceptable as long as they don't expose the primer or bare metal. No leasing funder expects a vehicle to look brand new when it gets returned. If there is considerable damage to your vehicle, contact your leasing company and insurance provider to arrange an approved repair.”

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