CV Show 2025

Conferences give the lowdown on DVS

Conferences give the lowdown on DVS

Parksafe Group to hold conferences on Direct Vision Standard and Progressive Safe System changes, featuring technical insights and vehicle demos.

Published 13 Jan 2024By CV Show News

The Parksafe Group is organising two conferences to discuss the upcoming changes to the Direct Vision Standard and Progressive Safe System, which will affect transport operators in the coming year.

Organised in association with the Association of Vehicle Installers (AVI), the conferences aim to provide truck operators with all the information they need about the changes for the coming year.

Those who attend will hear from Parksafe about technical developments and also from Jason McComb from the AVI. There will be plenty of time for questions and the event ends with a DVS walkround of a fully kitted out vehicle.

The first conference takes place on January 23 at the Donington Park Circuit (9.30am-1.30pm) and the second is on February 20 at Brands Hatch (9.30am-1.30pm).

To register for either of the events, scan the QR codes.

QR codes to register for the event

QR codes to register for the event

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