CV Show 2025

New electric charging network planned for HGVs

New electric charging network planned for HGVs

A UK-wide network of gigawatt-scale power parks, which will include electric heavy goods vehicle (HGV) charging hubs, is being developed by infrastructure developer Relode.

Published 23 Jul 2024By CV Show News

With electricity demand expected to more than double between now and 2050, Relode will open up gigawatt-scale grid connections at around 15 sites. Each power park will feature a substation and cabling to bring electricity to the site, plus an electric HGV charging hub offering a combination of rapid and overnight charging for 50-plus vehicles. Mike Clark, CEO, Relode, explained:

Electrification is the fastest, most economical way we have to decarbonise our world, but the scale of the challenge cannot be overstated. We have just a few short decades in which to super-charge our grid and deliver the infrastructure needed to meet the coming explosion in electricity demand.

To succeed we need all hands on deck. Working in partnership with network operators, Relode will invest at critical junctures of electricity demand to help some of our most energy-intensive industries secure the power they need to transition to a clean, electric future.

Our network of gigawatt-scale Power Parks will catalyse clean growth, drive investment and enable businesses to electrify their operations at the pace and scale required to meet net zero.
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